• October 25, 2024

Dropshipping on Amazon in 2022 Best Strategy

Looking for a simple way to start selling on Amazon without investing a lot of time or money? Dropshipping on Amazon is the answer!

Asking an experienced e-commerce merchant about the best approach to start selling products online without investing a lot of money or time will likely result in dropshipping.

We’ll go through the following topics in this article:

  • Consider the most recent updates.
  • How does Amazon Dropshipping work?
  • Dropshipping on Amazon: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • What is the best way to get started Dropshipping on Amazon?
  • When it comes to Dropshipping on Amazon, here are five suggestions to help you succeed.

Dropshipping on Amazon has recently changed.

To avoid having your Amazon dropshipping account suspended, please make sure you understand Amazon’s drop shipping requirements completely before you start dropshipping anything.

Amazon sent a notice to all Amazon sellers on May 21, 2021, in Seller Central, informing them that their policy page had been revised to ensure that all dropshipping vendors understood Amazon’s tight standards.

Your account may be suspended, or your selling privileges on FBM may be terminated if you break the policy in any way.

You must follow the guidelines below when employing a drop shipper to fulfill orders:

  • All invoices, packing papers, external packaging, and other documents related to the product must identify you as the seller. Your supplier or manufacturer should not be included in the proposal.
  • Returns are your responsibility, and you must accept and process them.
  • Seller agreements require you to abide by all of Amazon’s rules and regulations.

Purchase things from another online merchant and have them mail the item to your consumer – and I repeat, do not do this! If you violate Amazon’s terms of service by doing this, your account will be suspended.

A coffee machine is on Amazon for sale, as an example. When an Amazon consumer buys a product, you buy it from Walmart.com and then add the delivery information for the Amazon buyer. There are Walmart identifiers on the package Amazon customers get. THIS IS NOT PERMITTED!

If a consumer orders something from Amazon and receives it from Walmart, they’ll be angry and puzzled. Instead, you can engage in what’s known as retail arbitrage, in which you buy an item from a different store like Walmart and resale it on Amazon — as long as there is no reference to Walmart on a packing slip or packaging — instead.

Orders are placed through dropshipping on behalf of a manufacturer, distributor, or supplier by the seller. When consumers buy the product, the seller employs their supplier to complete the sale and fulfill the order.

How does dropshipping on Amazon work?

Dropshippers frequently rebrand the products they sell as their own, so the final user has no idea the items came from the manufacturer in the first place. E-commerce sites like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify all use this tactic.

Even though it may seem complicated at first, we’ve simplified it to help you understand how it works and how you can start dropshipping in 2021.

Dropshipping on Amazon is covered in more depth below, but here’s a quick illustration to get you started:

  1. When a consumer buys a product from Amazon, the process begins with an Amazon customer (on the diagram’s left).
  2. If all goes well, you’ll buy your product from the provider (on the diagram’s right-hand side) and provide them with client information.
  3. Last but not least, after getting the buyer’s contact information from them, the supplier ships the merchandise out to the consumer.

Dropshipping from a print-on-demand supplier

Print-on-demand is a common method of drop shipping.

Customized products like t-shirts, mugs, posters, and even novels can be advertised via print-on-demand. Then when you make a purchase, the provider manufactures and ships the item specifically for you.

Third-party retailers built print-on-demand products to fill Disney’s hole, discontinuing Baby Yoda items in late 2019.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping on Amazon compared to other methods of selling?

Start-up methods on Amazon include dropshipping as well as a variety of other options. Wholesaling and private labeling are two more popular and successful techniques for selling things on Amazon.

A wholesaler buys in bulk from a supplier to resell to another retailer or distribute as a retailer. A private label is a means of creating your products to sell on Amazon. Both methods are known as “wholesaling.”

On the other hand, dropshipping via Amazon provides a lot of advantages over wholesale and private labels.

Low-cost initialization

With drop shipping, you don’t have to own your Inventory like you would with private label or wholesale. As a substitute, when the customer pays you for the sale, you spend a piece of the money to purchase and ship the product to your buyer.

The setup time is short.

Dropshipping on Amazon is quick and simple to set up because you don’t need your Inventory. After all, you don’t have to sit around and wait for your goods to be made and sent to the fulfillment site. It’s all set to go now. Find a customer and make a deal!

A business that runs entirely on computers

Dropshipping on Amazon may be entirely automated with a variety of tools and plugins available online. As a result, running a Dropshipping firm doesn’t require much of your time.

Amazon permits dropshipping.

Dropshipping is “usually permissible,” according to Amazon’s policy on it. Ensure, however, that you adhere to Amazon’s unique dropshipping standards.

Researching this topic was a breeze.

Using Amazon Dropshipping, you may sell things already been manufactured and shipped from a manufacturer to your customers. As a result, you may utilize tools like Jungle Scout – an all-in-one Amazon selling platform — to examine how other Amazon sellers are performing concerning that product. Starting your dropshipping e-commerce firm with this advantage provides you with a leg up on the competition.

What are the drawbacks of Amazon dropshipping?

No matter how great it seems in terms of benefits, there are some drawbacks to keep in mind.


Dropshipping has low entry hurdles, which means competition can be fierce. Furthermore, while your products may be distinct from those of other Amazon sellers, this does not prevent them from selling identical ones.

The only lever you have to pull to differentiate yourself from the competition is pricing, leading to a price war.

Long wait times for deliveries

Dropshipped items on Amazon are frequently shipped directly from the suppliers or manufacturers. These vendors are frequently located in other countries.

As a result, delivery timeframes from overseas vendors can be several weeks (or even months!) long.

There is no quality assurance.

There’s no way for you to monitor the quality of the product since it’s shipped straight from the manufacturer to the customer.

When things travel over 10,000 miles to get to their final destination, it’s easy to understand how they could get damaged.

How to start selling on Amazon as a drop shipper

The next steps will show you how to set yourself up as an Amazon drop shipper now that you know more about the process.

Creating an Amazon seller account is the first step in the process.

You’ll need an Amazon seller account if you want to sell products on the site. Sellercentral.amazon.com is the place to go if you want one. Amazon will give you the option of starting with either an individual or a professional account.

Step 2: Locate a product with strong demand but a low level of competition.

Using technology like Jungle Scout’s Opportunity Finder, you may uncover high-demand/low-competition product opportunities. To begin your search for such products and services, I suggest using the following metrics:

  • Monthly sales range from 100 to 300 units.
  • Turn down the level of competition to “very low” or “low” for the best results.
  • Set the monthly average price between $20 and $35
  • Increase the niche score to at least seven.

With so many products available, you should have plenty of options to look at across all categories.

Also, when just getting started, keep things as simple as possible. Low-maintenance categories including housewares, sports & outdoors, and patio, home & garden are excellent choices for first-time buyers because of this.

Check if the product is available on an e-commerce site such as Aliexpress in Step 3.

You’ll need to locate a supplier once you’ve come up with a few product concepts.

Aliexpress has the most connections to dropshipping products. Dropshipping suppliers can connect with e-commerce business owners through this B2B platform, connecting them with suppliers wishing to dropship.

It’s as simple as typing in search phrases for the thing you want to sell, and a wide range of options will appear, just like on Amazon.

When you click on one, a slew of information is displayed. The notebook/agenda planner costs $3.22 with free shipping to the United States in the example above (and shipping is free).

In addition, the product comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee from the seller. (However, keep in mind that delivery will be over a month away.)

Step 4: Create an Amazon product page for your business.

You’ll need to build an Amazon product listing once you’ve come up with a product concept and found a supplier to help you get it to .

Go to Inventory> Add a product from your Seller Central account. Then click “Create a new product listing” in the Add a Product window that opens up afterward.

Choosing a product category is the first step in the process. Afterward, you’ll be required to complete the listing’s data form.

Don’t overlook Amazon’s costs when deciding on a dropshipping product price. Professional sellers must pay an 8-15 percent referral fee, depending on the category. Additionally, individual sellers are required to pay an additional $1.00 for each transaction.

Selling on Amazon has a fee schedule where you may find out more about Amazon’s fees.

Finally, after you’re ready, you may post your ad and start making sales.

Here are five suggestions to help you succeed in Amazon drop shipping.

Even so, it still appears to be a straightforward process. Because that’s exactly what it is!

It’s simple to start an Amazon dropshipping business. Dropshipping via Amazon, on the other hand, requires more effort to be successful.

The following are five pointers to help you be successful in dropshipping.

  1. Make your listing known. You must increase the number of people who see your product listing to make the most sales. There are numerous methods for accomplishing this. There is Amazon Pay-Per-Click, which is an internal sponsorship scheme (PPC). Pay-per-click (PPC) allows you to create product advertising that appears higher in Amazon’s search results for keywords you specify. Next, you can use external means like social networking, blogging, email marketing, and so on to generate traffic to your Amazon product listing. It may be more difficult to get started with this strategy if your company doesn’t already have a following, but it can help you stand out from the crowd.
  2. Put the customer first. Dropshipping on Amazon relieves you of a lot of the burdens that come with being an entrepreneur. No manufacturing or shipping is required of your product. Just make sure the buyer receives it and is satisfied. That’s all you have to do. Dropshipping allows you to spend your time on customer care instead of running your business. Additionally, providing excellent customer service aids in obtaining positive product reviews. In addition, good customer feedback can make or break your Amazon product’s success or failure.
  3. Concentrate on your company’s brand. Using dropshipping has the major drawback of putting you in the position of selling a product over which you have no control over the design or development. There will also be access to the same supplier for the other sellers. As a result, you have very little to offer the competition. As a result, you must concentrate on the company’s image. It doesn’t have to be “the same” if your product is identical to your competition. For instance, stainless steel 40 oz tumblers from the company YETI cost $40 each. The stainless steel tumblers sold by RTIC are the same as their competitor’s for less than $20. YETI, on the other hand, continues to be the market leader in this product category. The answer is straightforward: consumers desire the YETI brand and the associated image.
  4. Obtain samples. You should know what you’re selling before you list it. Take the plunge and pre-order a unit. And it’s much better if you can do it secretly without the supplier suspecting anything. Examine the sample when it is delivered. Do you remember how it looked when you first got it? What was the time frame? Were the items exactly what you expected them to be? Once you start dropshipping on Amazon, these minor details will assist you in anticipating how your consumers will get their orders.
  5. Make a wide net for yourself. Dropshipping allows you to reach a wider audience because there are no start-up expenditures. To put it another way, you can list many items at once. Some will be unsuccessful. Others will be more successful than me. Concentrate on what’s working and eliminate the ineffective parts of your strategy. This strategy is perfectly OK as long as you adhere to Amazon’s policies. You must, however, maintain your organization and continue to adhere to Tips #2 and #3.

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