• September 12, 2024

How to use Technology to study effectively

Technology is becoming increasingly important to be used for studying. Using cloud software and online libraries, students have it very easy to organise their readings, get help with their assignments, prepare for examinations, and take down notes related to their courses. Technology can give students help with dissertation, from starting the dissertations process through to the analysis of data. It helps them stay organised and reduces the tendency to procrastinate.

This guide shows how students can use technology to help with studying and make the most of technology to improve their grades. By keeping the following points in mind, they can get all the help they need to reach their academic goals.

1.      Watching short videos online to understand exam concepts

Applications like YouTube have a great number of educational videos and easy-to-understand content for students to use while studying for exams. These videos offer creative ways of explaining difficult concepts and create an engagement for students, so they can be interested in what they are learning and also get the help they need. Their questions can also be answered through the comments section of the videos.

2.      Using applications to do mock exams

Students these days have the advantage of doing many types of mock exams right from their mobile devices. This makes it convenient for them to understand what kind of questions to expect in an exam, and also makes it easy for them to understand how to do an exam properly. By getting this exam-taking expertise, students can also reduce the stress and anxiety related to taking exams.

3.      Getting help with assignments

Writing assignments can be an arduous task, and students often feel anxious about where to start. For instance, when writing a research paper, they are confused about the basics of writing, especially when they have never written one before. The internet has a vast number of resources available for use to help them get started, including popular blogs and websites. Various universities also provide free guides they can look to for help (University of Reading, n.d.). These resources are written by professors and so provide high-quality guidelines.  

4.      Choosing a topic for assignments

Choosing a topic for an assignment that is relevant, feasible, and interesting can be tricky, but the internet provides students will all the tips they need to select a topic that can work for them. There are thousands of topics to choose from, and sometimes students feel overwhelmed by this task. The internet makes it easy for them to come up with a good topic for any essay they need to write. For example, Stanford University provides an in-depth explanation on their website on choosing a good research topic for any student (Stanford University, n.d.).

5.      Using software to organise readings

Students, especially those in universities, have a lot of readings assigned to them, and they need to be able to keep track of the articles, books, and other sources they have read. Cloud-based software such as Mendeley helps them with just that. Mendeley puts all the readings in one place, and even syncs on all devices. It even syncs with other documents on Word so students can have all their readings ready in one document.

6.      Organise tasks through digital to-do lists

Procrastination is the hurdle most students need to face in the course of their studies. Keeping organised is one way to beat it.. If they do not keep track of their tasks, things can get messy. They need to know what needs to be done at every step, and dividing tasks on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis can help them keep their goals in sight. Applications such as To-Do gives them the ease of putting down all their tasks in place, so they always know what they need to do. This way, they can follow up on any deadlines and organise their work according to their time.

7.      Make the most of their devices by jotting down notes

Note-taking is a great way to achieve academic success, and students can do that right from their digital devices. Students might come up with thoughts and ideas about their courses when they are out and about, and it’s a good idea to note it down as soon as possible. Their digital devices have the ability to help them with that. Applications such as Evernote are extremely resourceful in helping them write down any thought or idea they get at any time, and they can also sync them across all their devices. They can use it when they are commuting, in the library, or at any other place.  

8.      Use open-access libraries to help with research

University students need to do a tonne of research in their courses, and they might be worried about where to start considering the thousands of journals available. Open access libraries online can help them easily find any research article or look through many journals. Online libraries such as Wiley include a huge database of research journals that they can easily search through a search bar.

9.      Plan their studies with digital apps

Students need to have a proper plan when they are studying for various exams at the same time. Without a proper plan, students might also succumb to procrastination. Using productivity apps such as Nozbe can help them create goals for themselves, such as how much course content they need to achieve before the end of the month. It can also help them organise meetings with their peers for group studies so they can have a good idea about what others have archived and get help when needed.

By using , students can make the difficult task of dissertation writing very easy and accomplish their academic goals. By using their digital devices such as smartphones and tablets, they can easily keep track of all their references and tasks, access their sample, and get help with analysing their data.


Stanford University, n.d. Choosing a Dissertation Topic. Stanford University Available at https://tomprof.stanford.edu/posting/1482

University of Reading, n.d. Dissertations and major projects. University of Reading. Available at https://libguides.reading.ac.uk/c.php?g=521171&p=3563650

Links for external linking:

Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/download-reference-manager

To do: https://todo.microsoft.com/tasks/

Evernote: https://evernote.com/

Wiley: https://www.wiley.com/en-us

Nozbe: https://nozbe.com/

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