• September 7, 2024

Tooth rotting is a common problem

Too much sugary food and drink and not brushing your teeth and gums are common causes of tooth decay. If you or your kid has tooth decay, see a dentist as soon as possible. Treatment as soon as possible can help prevent the illness from worsening.

Examine your teeth to see whether you have any cavities.

Initially, tooth decay may not show any signs or symptoms.

However, if it worsens, it might cause issues, such as a hole in the tooth (dental cavity).

If you have a hole in your tooth, you may have:

the ache in the teeth (tooth pain)

When you eat or drink something hot, cold, or sweet, you get an acute ache in your tooth (sensitive teeth)

Spots on your teeth that are white, brown, or black

The tooth or the gums can become infected.

Treatments for tooth decay

The severity of tooth decay determines how it is treated.

To counteract early tooth decay, a dentist can prescribe fluoride therapies such as mouthwash or varnish.

If your tooth has a hole (cavity), you’ll most likely need a filling.

The afflicted tooth may need to be extracted (extraction).

Cost of dental treatment


Preventing tooth decay

Plaque, a sticky film of microorganisms that coats your teeth, causes tooth decay. This damages the surface of your teeth over time.

Children’s teeth deterioration is widespread. Therefore it’s critical to ensure that they take care of their teeth and gums from an early age.

You can do a few basic things to maintain your teeth and gums healthy and avoid dental decay in yourself and your children.

Tooth decay stages

Tooth deterioration is exacerbated by dental plaque. Plaque is a white, sticky film that forms on your teeth’s surfaces. Bacteria, food particles, and saliva make up this substance.

If you don’t clean your teeth regularly, plaque will form on them. It can also harden with time, resulting in tartar formation. Tartar can help bacteria survive even longer, making them more difficult to eradicate.

There are five phases of tooth decay, in general

Stage 1: Demineralization begins.

Enamel is a type of tissue that makes up the outer covering of your teeth. Enamel, mostly made up of minerals, is the toughest tissue in your body.

If this happens, you may notice a white spot on one of your teeth. The loss of minerals in this area is the first indicator of tooth decay.

Stage 2: Enamel deterioration

Cavities, also known as dental caries, are small holes forming as the teeth’ enamel weakens.

Your dentist will need to fix any cavities.

Stage 3: Degeneration of the dentin

The dentin is the tissue beneath the enamel. Because it is softer than enamel, it is more susceptible to acid damage. As a result, once tooth decay reaches the dentin, it advances more swiftly.

Dentin also contains tubes that connect to the tooth’s nerves. This is most noticeable when eating or drinking hot or cold meals or beverages.

Stage 4: Damage to the pulp

The pulp is the tooth’s deepest layer. It contains the nerves and blood vessels that help keep the tooth healthy. The pulp includes nerves that provide the tooth feeling.

Pressure on the nerves may happen if the surrounding tissues in the tooth cannot grow to accommodate the swelling. This can cause discomfort.

Stage 5: An abscess

As tooth decay proceeds, bacteria can invade the pulp, creating an infection. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms at the bottom of your tooth due to increased inflammation in the tooth.

Abscesses in the teeth can be very painful, spreading to the jaw. Swelling of the gums, face, or jaw, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck are all possible signs. 

A tooth abscess requires immediate attention because the infection can spread to your jaw bones and other parts of your head and neck.


· brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste – spit after brushing, do not rinse

· clean in between your teeth every day using floss or interdental brushes

· use sugar-free medicines

· have regular dental check-ups (your dentist will be able to advise you about how often you need to go)


· Limit your intake of sugary foods and beverages.

· do not smoke

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